Now that the weather in Chicago-land is turning to more rain and sleet, it is more important then ever that your wheels are aligned on your car vehicle. There are several benefits to having your wheels aligned including; saving money, less ware on the tires, and better gas mileage. However, the most important reason is safety. If your wheels are un aligned it is easier for your car to skid and go off the road during the heavy rains in spring in Chicagoland.
AAC is committed to helping all local drivers with their wheel alignments and to keep their vehicles and families safe. That is why we are introducing our spring special for wheel alignments;

For only $49.95 you can have your wheels aligned and make your car easier and safer to drive! We are the number one choice for wheel alignments in the northwest suburbs of Chicago, that is because we are conveniently located in Addison, Illinois! If you notice that you have to hold your wheel at a different angle than straight when you are driving that is the number one sign that you need a wheel alignment for your vehicle! Come in today and use this special coupon offer so we can prove to you why we are the best and get you back on the road quicker and safer than anyone else in the area!